Thursday, September 15, 2016


Wed 14 Sept 2016

After Jamaica 50 deportations, the Department of Education is asking all children in schools in England to bring their passports and birth certificates to prove their nationality and country of birth.

Some schools in Hackney has already been doing this in July but it is supposed to start from September.

The Government's reason for this is to investigate "education tourism". See here:

This information is being sent to Department of Education on *6th October* and schools have to check on nationality status *every term*. Parents can before this date declare that they want to opt-out and refuse to give this information to schools. If already have given this information then before this date, they can instruct schools not send this information to Central government. As this will end up in the hands of Immigration Enforcement. A template lettet to send to your child's school or nursery is here:

We need to get the message out to all black parent groups that this collection of nationality data is *optional*. Schools cannot force parents to identify their nationality or their children's nationality/immigration status.

Schools are not telling parents of their rights and some have reported that they felt they had to bring in their passports.

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