- {Courtesey:
Ingredients for Beauty
By Sharif Shears ©2009
Ingredients you will need to create beauty:
3 buckets of water,
.7grams of sulfur, hydrogen, carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, sodium chlorine, magnesium and iron.
.345 grams of gallium, tellurium, silver, arsenic, indium, zirconium, molybdenum and cobalt. .22 grams of thorium, beryllium, samarium, antimony, niobium, mercury, lead, germanium, cesium and zinc.
.1799 grams of strontium, iodine, bromine, fluorine, silicon, nickel and aluminum. With a constant supply of oxygen, H20 and Love.
Creating the perfect concoction was never easy for anyone. It took the SUNS and daughters of loved ones to create, everyone.
The undying allegiance of a baby to its mother is the greatest bond shared from one person to another a perfect gift given from a sister to a brother which brings me to remember my late, great, grandmother.
If you ask me what beauty is, I will tell you……..
I used to sit
Sit on the cold firm couch decorated with a brilliance of plain black
Black so intense it screamed out the calls only the divineness of the universe could utter
Uttering beauty
As I sat I would patiently watch
Watch this figure across the room and admire
Admire both its complexities and intricacies and limitless simplicities
Simplicity like no other, just a figure in the room depicting pulchritude, I saw but didn’t know
Knowing now that the figure was the purest form of beauty
Creak, creak, creak
A noise that would almost cradle me as a child
A child overwhelmed by the sound, sending me into a deep state of subconsciousness
Subconsciousness controlled by this creak
Creak, creak, creak
This lady’s chair was the culprit, the accused, the tried
Tried in the court of an infantile mind and proven guilty by a jury of imaginary creatures
Creatures that proved simplicity to be the purest form of expression
Express was what this lady’s chair did and its aura was that of boundless beauty
My fondest memory of the lady was not her fluffy blue carpet or her 70s style drapes
Drapes that bled
Bled colors that told me stories of the old world and what I missed
I had missed the revolution of souls through the vortex of hate on a count of being born late
Late enough to briefly know this lady and her throne, and her drapes of beauty
My greatest memory was not her kitchen
A kitchen that would comfort the most corrupt souls with ease
Ease that suggested that this kitchen had borne the most divine dishes ever prepared
Prepared with souls of ancestors
Ancestors of kings and queens from a dark, unknown continent flourishing with life and beauty
My most loved memory of this lady, was HER
Her and her apples
Apples that spilled succulent juices and unparalleled visual paradoxes of beauty
This lady would sit in her rocking chair of creaks and cut these apples before me
Me, just a child of minor existence to the world but of everlasting importance to this lady
This lady and her chair of creaks
Creaks that drowned out the trivial reality of dilemmas I face now as a man
A man who misses his Grandmother and her throne of Beauty
My grandmother would cut those apples for me
Me, watching and waiting, anticipating the satisfaction of the apples she cut for me
Me, the boy who always became disappointed when that satisfaction never came to me
Me, a child that did not know then but know now that the love I felt from simply witnessing my grandmother cut those apples
Oh what I would do just to see you one last time, sitting in your rocking chair of creaks on your fluffy blue carpet beside your bleeding drapes, next to your kitchen of ancestry. What I would do to witness the curl of your upper lip as you cut those juicy apples as only you can, grandma, because if a single soul were ever to ask me what beauty is, my only answer could and would be, my grandma…..
My grandma is beauty
So, the beauty in her will live on in these ingredients forever and the existence of one person will whisper in comparison to the countless people like my grandmother who all share the qualities of
3 buckets of water,
.7grams of sulfur, hydrogen, carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, sodium chlorine, magnesium and iron.
.345 grams of gallium, tellurium, silver, arsenic, indium, zirconium, molybdenum and cobalt. .22 grams of thorium, beryllium, samarium, antimony, niobium, mercury, lead, germanium, cesium and zinc.
.1799 grams of strontium, iodine, bromine, fluorine, silicon, nickel and aluminum. With a constant supply of oxygen, H20 and Love.
But to me these are the ingredients of a very special human being
In Memory of a Grandmother on her birthday 10th February.
Of Africa and Africans
Of Africa and Africans
Ade Daramy
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